Friday, August 15, 2014

The Secret to Survive Last-Mile War

There is a company which does the way of “troublesome work on purpose”. Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd. which is major baking company is the one. In normal case, retailer offers logistics provider for the logistics between distribution center and shop because it takes labor. But Yamazaki Baking never let go of this logistics part. What is the reason?

What is last mile? 

The reason why Yamazaki Baking doesn’t let go of the logistics part, is only one, because it would only get profit from selling breads if it didn’t concern to logistics part. There will be a big difference in the eventual profit for a company depending on whether the company is involved to logistics part or not.

We can mention the same thing for the logistics called “last mile” which is the logistics “from shop to consumer” as well as the one between distribution center and shop. Whether to be able to take a service at last mile or not, there will be a big influence whether or not to be able to add value or to add profit. Nowadays, “last mile” can do become “last plus profit” for venders such as Yamazaki Baking.

The change surrounding last mile 

Now leadership dispute is performed beyond the industry concept surrounding this last mile service. Especially the motion in EC shop is aggressive. Online shopping companies such as Major EC site Yahoo! or Rakuten have been using deliverer company such as Yamato or Sagawa, sending items to consumers, the flow is widely about to change.  

For example, Yahoo! collaborates with Askul which has a huge logistics network, and Rakuten is developing its own logistics structure such as Rakuten Super Logistics. In addition, although Major Amazon had been collaborating with Sagawa Express until 2012, Sagawa decided to separate because of Amazon’s concept of importance on its profitability. Amazon, collaboration with Yamato, is aiming for deploying the service of including in one package (FBA) which Rakuten or Yahoo! is presenting. 

Last mile - 3 choices 

There are 3 choices as below for managing the service of last mile.

1.    Providing a service by building its own logistics.
2.    Providing a service by collaborating with a company who has its logistics but is not a major delivery company.
3.    Providing a service by collaborating with a Major delivery company.

Well, what kind of advantages and disadvantages are there? Simply sorted out below:

1.   Building own logistics. 

It’s possible to get a maximum profit of last mile because it’s possible to coordinate total logistics on its own. Also its flexibility is high and it’s easy to start a new service.

It takes huge cost and also takes a long time for depreciation. It takes a long time to build and settle logistics.

2.   Collaborating with a company which has logistics. 

Experts can provide services by sharing knowledge or know-how of specialty between each other, it takes less time to build and settle logistics than 1. and also initial investment only costs few. And also, it costs quite a few because of asking other company, but it doesn’t cost much comparing to asking Major delivery company.

The profit becomes low comparing to 1. It takes a while to find out a reliable partner.

3.   Major delivery company.

No new implementation or investment is needed specially. 

A log of delivery companies have turned to profitability importance oriented, it costs higher comparing to 1. and 2. Also comparing to 1. and 2., the flexibility is lower.

The secret to survive the Age of Civil Wars

After all of above, it is considered that for a major company such as Rakuten, to collaborate with a company which has a function of logistics and also has know-how as a partner is the choice with advantage. The last mile which changes tremendously across the boundary as mentioned before.

Not only the industry of the Internet including EC site but also convenience stores, online supermarket, or electric stores have the same movement. Where the delivery between shop and consumer exists will be definitely involved in this war.

To find a reliable partner and build a reliable relationship not for loosing last mile war. That is what to be considered as the secret to survive this terrific last mile period.

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