Friday, December 12, 2014

Why is the internet marketing accelerating logistics innovation?

The so-called IT revolution is changing the landscape of logistics.  With the advent and diffusion of broadband services, the scale of internet sales has expanded tremendously, and calling for a new distribution system. The sophistication trend of IT environment is now accelerating innovations in logistics. This time around, we’ll take a look at the evolution of logistics system brought about by internet sales, and needs for the improvement of warehousing.

Monday, December 8, 2014

What is the ramification in the new concept for the predictive logistics system?

The predictive logistics system patented by Amazon in December 2013 is a preemptive attempt in pointing to the future of logistics.  But is this system truly feasible?  So, let’s look into the futuristic vision of Amazon’s new logistics system.  There you will find a new role of warehousing capitalizing on the so-called big data.
What can be done by the predictive logistics system?
The predictive logistics system is highly indicative of the near future vision of logistics, and it makes the following tasks and functions possible by analyzing enormous customer data (that is big data).
It permits a pinpoint prediction of the customer wants in terms of goods and services.
It permits a prediction of the purchasing schedule of the customer for certain merchandise.
It permits a prediction of additional item(s) simultaneously bought with the merchandise.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Theme and The State of Disaster Logistics (Humanitarian Logistics) in the Philippines.

Natural disaster gives a big damage to logistics. Meanwhile, what can prevent expanding the disaster damage is also logistics.

From Japan (where we live) to Southeast Asia area (where businesses get developed and closer each other) is the area where Typhoon, earth quake, Tsunami have a possibility to occur.

Here we consider the theme of disaster logistics (humanitarian logistics) and the point to study as who concern to logistics, taking a case of the Philippines which got a huge damage of Typhoon “Yolanda” in November last year. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unable to deliver despite enough stock: the logistics industry with increasing worries.

Now there is a possibility of being unable to deliver across Japan, even though there is enough stock. Why has such a situation come to be feared?

As a matter of fact, it is thought that it is because of the influence of new truck regulations. This time we will explain the impact on the logistics industry of enforcing new regulations, and the changes from it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The condition for realization of HACCP in logistics

While the necessity of “Total HACCP” at all the process of follows has been expressed:
- getting materials, manufacturing, packing, and shipping,
- delivering to consumers,
it is apt to overlook HACCP at the stage of “logistics” in Japan.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

LSM publishes a new company in the Philippines in September 2014.

Company Name:
Japan Logistics Cyberspace Inc.

Business Contents:
Sales of logistics system, building business circulation solutions, offshore development,
business operation of EC solution.

LSM also open a seminar as follows as the anniversary for launching in the Philippines:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What will 10,000 robots affect to Amazon?

During our childhood, anyone would have imagined that robots like "Doraemon" might appear around us one day.

It is shown in the case that Amazon purchased Kiva Systems for $775 million in 2012. They aimed to automate their own logistics center by implementing robots, since they function automatically.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this concept, robots and people working together, shows that people have got one step closer to robots.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Secret to Survive Last-Mile War

There is a company which does the way of “troublesome work on purpose”. Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd. which is major baking company is the one. In normal case, retailer offers logistics provider for the logistics between distribution center and shop because it takes labor. But Yamazaki Baking never let go of this logistics part. What is the reason?

Friday, August 8, 2014

International Airfreight Industry – Where is the hottest spot?!

It is fresh circumstance in our memory that Haneda airport became international in 2010.

Today, 4 years passed after that, the volume of international air freight is growing due to increasing of international flights.

Also because Haneda airport is closer to the city center than Narita airport, it can be considered that the benefit of convenience and time reduction helps the increase of international air freight volume.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Global Standard Attracting Attention for Food Safety

The recognition of consumers for “relief and safety” is increasing year by year according to food cases such as AQLI Foods Corporation caused the incident of agricultural chemical contamination in 2013.

And also there are numbers of standards of quality or administration which are recognized as global standards such as GMP(*1) or ISO(*2). Especially for food, authorization of ISO22000 and “HACCP”(*3) are gathering attention.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The importance of the construction of logistics system and the rapid progress of IT

It is generally mentioned that logistics cost accounts for about 5-10% of the total product costs. We can find that it occupies a large portion of the product cost, though it is sometimes overlooked.

In other words, it is directly linked to the raise of the profit ratio of the company to build a best-logistics system and to keep the cost appropriately.

Here, we would like to explain about the importance of building logistics system and the existing circumstances of the accelerating IT implements in the logistics industry.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Supply Chain Analytics that are essential to logistics IT system

To construct the optimal supply chain, the presence of a logistics IT system is essential.  Utility of logistics IT system does not remain in some practical parts such as reduction of lead time or inventory management in real-time.  For example, it is available to use logistics IT system for analyzing of supply chain, so-called Supply Chain Analytics.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The 10 Points to Be Reconsidered for Reducing Logistics Costs

In logistics operation, cost reduction is one of the major themes, along with such as efficient use of space and shorten time loss.  We introduce the 10 points for reducing logistics costs.

What Are The Benefits of WMS Package and the Caution Points on Implementation?

As one of the ways of improving logistics, we have warehouse management system (WMS). By automation of managing operation process of work progress and stock, improvement of quality or productivity, and as the benefits of above all, efficiency such as visualization of stock or work are expected.

However on the other hand, there are caution points at the implementation. This time we will introduce the subjects which apt to occur at the implementation and it’s solutions as well as the benefit of WMS.